House Ransacked!!!

At this point you may be thinking "Oh dear did their house get broke into and ransacked?!":) So just to set the record straight, NO we didn't get robbed, just ransacked, and I seriously thought about donating all the toys!;)
The culprits!
Thing One...
...and Thing Two!

The crime was commited in a matter of minutes!

Annual power drilling and gutting night!

Ha ha! I say this because I leave this activity to Shane, and of course men find the fastest and easiest way to "carve" pumpkins! So it is now considered power drilling and gutting night!
Austyn and Ry gutted their pumpkins bare handed this year!  Chalk it up for a first EVER!

Then it was  pumpkin power drilling time!

Austyn actually did it the old fashioned way hence the creepy knife!

Tada! Pumpkin!
My style!

And of course the yummies!  Spicy roasted pumpkin seeds and deep fried candy corn!

Clean the room trick!

I try to have the girls clean up their rooms everyday so they don't turn into disasters!  Between Austyn and Rylee, Ry usually beats her sister as Austyn gets preoccupied in her own thoughts!  This time though was unusually quick, but like I said she is usually the fastest so I didn't think twice about it  until.... I went to put a pair of shoes away in her closet!  I am not sure how many times this has occurred , but it was quite entertaining!  Everything was stuffed neatly in her closet  with her stool to hold it all in!  What a trick! Little stink!! Gotta love it!

Austyn and Rylee-isms

I know every parents thinks their child says the funniest things, but they really do!
Austyn-ism: (just waking up in the morning) Ahhh my back is so tired from sleeping on it all night!
Rylee-ism:  I'm scared of beatles, but I'm not scared of tigers!  They don't make me shiver!!

Rys First Day!

After volunteering for two full days a week in Austyn's class last year, Ry was more than ready for her first day at her OWN school! As other kids kicked and screamed as their parents handed them off, Rylee skipped in, blew me a kiss and was off!  All grown up and doesn't need her mom at four!  Oh dear!(: