We spent the fourth with friends BBQing, swimming, eating a lot, fireworks, and camping! We had a great time! Here are two of my girls Beth and Brandi who have beautiful children that my darling children also get to enjoy! Thanks for the invite Bethericious! Hee Hee!

Ry enjoying the benefits of an open buffet of food and treats! I think they had three each! My goodness! I guess that is what holidays are for!

It was chilly outside so swimming wasn't all that popular until austyn showed up all the adults and went in for a dip! Then the fun started with the pool slide!

Check out John's pink sweater! I'm not sure where that came from but it's hilarious!

Shane getting some daddy time in and teasing Ry after doing sparklers!

Me and the girls watching fireworks! Love them!

This is my favorite firework picture!